Manuka Honey Production Service
Do you own valuable Manuka resource?
We can provide you with quality beehives in prime condition, ready to work hard collecting nectar to produce quality Manuka Honey. This provides a sustainable income source for both Landowner and Beekeeper with minimal disturbance to the environment.
Golden Grove Apiaries have been producing Manuka honey in the East Cape region of New Zealand for more than twenty years. We have a vast knowledge of the area, its climate and its Manuka resource. The key to producing big honey crops is good beehive management. Our beekeepers have the skill base necessary to get the best quality honey and highest yield possible from your valuable Resource.
We have limited numbers of beehives available ready to allocate to your Manuka resource. Be in quick to secure our beehives for next season.
Contact us to arrange an assessment of your property
Other Services
New Zealand Native Honeys
In the Whakatane reigon there are many pockets of mature native bush. The Rewarewa tree is often the predominate species and nectar source. Rewarewa produces a dark caramel flavoured honey in late Spring and is a favorite amongst honey lovers.
Clover pollination.
Most of our clover pollination is done by our bees by way of default. Our bees are often in an area to target a particular species and clover will also be flowering. Unfortunately we have not been able to train our bees to target one species. This is a win win situation for Beekeeper and Farmer alike. Clover is a beneficial pasture plant as it is a is a nitrogen fixing and reduces chemical fertiliser requirements.. If you would like bees specifically for clover pollination we can discuss options.
Kiwifruit and other Crop Pollination
We provide a very limited number of Beehives in the Whakatane area for Kiwifruit Pollination Service.
Winter Sites
Often we can not keep beehives in one area all year round. We are always looking for new sites to keep our bees and would love to hear from you. We will consider all options, the Whakatane and East Cape area especially.
All our landowners are supplied with plenty of yummy honey that we have professionally creamed and bottled. We are very proud of our product and hope you enjoy it as much as we do.